Tuesday, June 20, 2017

So you want to join pig farming? Pig farming profits can be handsome - but consider these points

Before considering pig farming there are some basics that every farmer must ponder on whether you will be embarking on small scale pig farm... thumbnail 1 summary
Before considering pig farming there are some basics that every farmer must ponder on whether you will be embarking on small scale pig farming or large commercial farming. Pig farming is recommended for those with a small farm and wanting to maximize profits.

So what are the crucial success and failure factors in pig farming?

pig farming - pig breeds- pig farming profits
So you want to join pig farming? Pig farming profits can be handsome - but consider these points
The following are the problems encountered by emerging pig farmers when they attempt to go commercial with pig farming:
- Lack of finance to start pig farming at a commercially viable level.
- Lack of experience and training in pig farming or farming in general to produce commercially.
- Lack of advice and mentorship to sustain a viable piggery.
- Failure to meet abattoir requirements to market their pigs.

Developing pig farmers must take the below points into consideration when planning to start a piggery at a commercial level. 

Market agreements
It is the responsibility of a pig farmer - or any farmer, to do a feasibility study and research about the availability and proximity of markets to the proposed piggery and to enter into agreements with those prospective markets.

To enter into pig farming, the farmer must ensure that they have ownership or a long-term lease for the land/farm. The size of the land required will vary with how you will be raising pigs, pig breeds and what age they are sold as well as how intensively the pigs are farmed, but the lay-out must measure up to basic biosecurity rules.

It is also the duty of a prospective pig farmer to ensure the farm complies with the environmental laws governing the operation of a commercial piggery as well as other laws like for water use and waste discharge.


Pig farming requires high capital investment from the beginning. Developing pig farmers must have a good business plan. 
Construction plans
Research and have an idea of how to construct the piggery. The farmer must be able to run around and source quotations.

Production inputs
It is the responsibility of a farmer to negotiate better deals when purchasing production inputs for her/his business operation. 

To develop as a pig farmer, you can overcome problems by:
- Developing a pig farming business plan for use to apply for financial assistance.
- Getting trraining as a pig farmer.
- Find a mentor, a farmer who has successfully run piggeries.
- Join farmer's days or study groups and learn and share ideas with other farmers.
- Identify convenient markets for selling your pigs.

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