Friday, July 9, 2021

Download FREE complete Farming Guide: Growing tomatoes for the fresh produce market

Download FREE Farming Guide: Growing tomatoes for the fresh produce market. This training material applies the fundamental practices essenti... thumbnail 1 summary

Download FREE Farming Guide: Growing tomatoes for the fresh produce market. This training material applies the fundamental practices essential for tomato production and successful marketing to put into perspective the case of horticultural crop production.

The fundamental practices are categorized into seven (7) broad topics and twenty (20) sub-topics; the twenty sub-topics are referred to as the General Horticulture Crop Production and Post-Harvest Handling Techniques (GHCP&PHHT20). 

This categorization is based on the Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment & Promotion Unit Project (SHEP UP) experience in mitigating production and marketing challenges facing smallholder horticultural farmers. 

The seven (7) broad topics are: Pre-Cultivation Preparation; Land Preparation; Crop Establishment (Planting/Transplanting); Crop Management; Harvest; Post-Harvest Handling: and Cost and Income Analysis. 

The sub-topics under each topic are as follows: Pre-Cultivation Preparation (market survey, crop planting calendar(s), soil sampling & analysis, composting, and quality seed/planting material(s)); Land Preparation (land preparation practices, incorporation of crop residues, and basal application); Crop Establishment (raising seedlings, planting/transplanting, fertilizer application); Crop Management (water requirement, managing of weeds, top-dressing, pests & diseases management practices, and safe & effective use of pesticides); Harvest (harvesting indices); Post-Harvest Handling (appropriate containers/standard packaging materials, and value addition techniques); and Cost and Income Analysis (cost and income analysis). 

The issues outlined in the twenty (20) sub-topics might not necessarily be applicable in all cases. But where applicable, it is recommended that the instructions issued be given due consideration.

Download FREE Farming Guide: Growing tomatoes for the fresh produce market HERE.

Growing tomatoes for the fresh produce market

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